Church leaders explore past, present and future of Anabaptism on 500th anniversary of faith tradition

Published: February 26, 2025

On the last day of Pastors & Leaders 2025, the keynote speakers participated in a panel discussion facilitated by Julia Schmidt, MDiv, who oversaw the planning of the conference. (l. to r.): Schmidt; Lesley Francisco McClendon, DMin; Kelbessa Muleta Demena, MDiv; and John D. Roth, PhD. (Credit: Brittany Purlee/㽶Ӱ)

By John Longhurst for 㽶Ӱ

ELKHART, Indiana (Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary) — Anabaptism may be 500 years old this year, but it still has much to offer the world — as people remember the past and apply it today, preach the gospel in their various contexts and study the Bible together.

That was the message at , held Feb. 17–20 at (㽶Ӱ) in Elkhart, Indiana.

The conference, whose theme was “Anabaptism at 500: Looking Back, Living Forward,” drew a capacity crowd of 200 in-person participants, as well as 24 online participants.

Looking back: Anabaptist origins

For keynote speaker John D. Roth, PhD, MennoMedia Project Director of “Anabaptism at 500” and General Editor of the Anabaptist Community Bible, “memory is essential to the Christian faith.”

In his presentation during the opening worship service, titled “Looking Back: Restoration or Renewal? The Gift (and Burden) of Memory in the Anabaptist-Mennonite Tradition,” he said it was important to remember the origins and contributions of the Anabaptist-Mennonite tradition.

John D. Roth, PhD, MennoMedia Project Director of “Anabaptism at 500” and General Editor of the Anabaptist Community Bible, speaks during the opening worship service of Pastors & Leaders 2025. (Credit: Abenezer Dejene/㽶Ӱ)

But, he said, there is a temptation to remember the Anabaptist origin story as “unique or exceptional … sometimes we have told our story as if we are the only group that has been courageous enough to actually live out the teachings of Jesus and the early church.”

Noting that other 16th-century reformers said many of the same things as the early Anabaptists, Roth cautioned against remembering the past in ways that can lead to “a sense of Anabaptist superiority and exceptionalism.”

Such an emphasis can only divide the church more, he said, noting that Anabaptists today should “seek allies wherever we can, and be attentive to the voices of renewal that call us to re-examine our assumptions in light of new ways of seeing God at work in the world.”

He proposed thinking about the Anabaptist movement as “renewal — recognizing that we have always been part of the tapestry of a larger ongoing Christian tradition.” Traditions that have shaped Anabaptism include late medieval mysticism and monasticism, among others.

Roth also encouraged Anabaptists today to remember and apply distinctives such as community to reach out to people who are lonely and isolated; to counter rising Christian nationalism by upholding the Anabaptist principle of religious voluntarism; and to counter anti-immigrant ideas by promoting the Anabaptist commitment of “love and compassion for all people — including the foreigner, the stranger and even the enemy.”

Kelbessa Muleta Demena, MDiv, Vice President of Meserete Kristos Church (MKC) in Ethiopia — the largest member church in Mennonite World Conference, presents a teaching session during Pastors & Leaders 2025. (Credit: Abenezer Dejene/㽶Ӱ)

Looking around: Anabaptism in Ethiopia

In his presentation on the second day of the conference, titled “Looking Around: Radical Faith and Resilient Witness in Ethiopia,” keynote speaker Kelbessa Muleta Demena, MDiv, Vice President of Meserete Kristos Church (MKC) in Ethiopia — the largest member church in Mennonite World Conference, spoke about how Anabaptism had grown from a few members to more than 500,000 people in Ethiopia over the past 75 years.

Demena attributed the increase to the posture of the original Mennonite missionaries to Ethiopia, who didn’t come with a “colonial-era” mindset to impose Western leadership styles on the young church. Instead, they transferred leadership to local believers and enabled the church to develop its own identity — including adopting its own name.

“Unlike some mission-planted churches that remain dependent on foreign finance and influence, MKC prioritizes the training of local leaders and encourages each congregation to move toward self-support and self-governance,” he said.

This Indigenous church-planting approach demonstrates “a deep understanding of the unique cultural and contextual realities” and “fosters a model of ministry that is both sustainable and deeply rooted in the local community,” he added.

It enables the MKC church to contextualize Anabaptist teachings on discipleship, peace, nonviolence and community living, “making them relevant to Ethiopian society,” he said.

Demena also highlighted “preaching of the gospel” and the role of the Holy Spirit in the growth of the MKC, adding that the church “embodies a commitment to love, mercy and humanity over ethnic divisions, actively working to restore fractured relationships.”

Members of the church “continue to stand firm in their faith, proving that the radical way of Jesus is not about power, force or rebellion,” he said, adding, “It is about a love and conviction so strong that no amount of persecution can extinguish it.”

Lesley Francisco McClendon, DMin, Senior Pastor of C3 Hampton — a Mennonite Church USA congregation in Hampton, Virginia, presents a teaching session during Pastors & Leaders 2025. (Credit: Abenezer Dejene/㽶Ӱ)

Looking forward: Re-centering Scripture

For keynote speaker Lesley Francisco McClendon, DMin, Senior Pastor of C3 Hampton, a Mennonite Church USA congregation in Hampton, Virginia, the future of Anabaptism lies in seeing the Bible not as a “stagnant text bound by time and culture, but a living word that can revolutionize our hearts, our congregations and our world when we read it together, when we wrestle with it honestly and when we allow the Spirit to shape us through it.”

In her presentation on the third day of the event, titled “Looking Forward: Re-Centering Scripture for a Peaceful Vision of the Next 500 Years,” McClendon said it is important to study the Bible in the context of intercultural, intergenerational communities.

“The worldwide Anabaptist family reminds us that we are part of something much bigger than ourselves,” she said. “Connecting with Anabaptist networks in other countries and cultures can expand our vision, remind us of our shared calling and even rekindle our passion.”

This intercultural perspective, which is facilitated by technology that enables people to engage each other around the world, “offers us rich opportunities for dialogue,” she shared.

“As we look forward, let us not forget how our siblings in Africa, Asia, Latin America and elsewhere are reading Scripture,” she said. “Their insights, shaped by their local realities, can breathe new life into our own understanding.”

If we read the Bible in isolation, “it can become too easy to impose our personal biases and prejudices onto the text,” McClendon said. “But when we read the Bible in the presence of others — especially others who are culturally, generationally or socio-economically different from us — we are more likely to encounter the living Word in ways that stretch us and challenge our assumptions. … Anabaptists have historically believed that discernment is best done together.”

Participants at Pastors & Leaders 2025 discuss their responses to Habakkuk 3 during one of several Bible study sessions during the conference. (Credit: Abenezer Dejene/㽶Ӱ)

Delving into Bible study and worship

In addition to the teaching sessions, the conference included daily times of worship, Bible study, prayer and movement. Participants could reflect on their experiences together in small groups and choose from 28 workshop options on topics connected with the theme.

During the opening worship session, Mary Schertz, PhD, 㽶Ӱ Professor Emerita of New Testament, introduced Confessional Bible Study — a way of studying the Bible developed at 㽶Ӱ that helps people of all ages build a meaningful relationship with Scripture through study and engagement, artful response and worship. 

Quoting biblical scholar Ellen Davis, she described Confessional Bible Study as a way of reading Scripture “as if our lives depended on it” — integrating personal and congregational life in ways that show an “openness to the other” in an increasingly diverse church. The remaining Bible study sessions, which focused on Habakkuk 3, were led by Naomi Wenger, MAR, MA, Administrator of the Orienting With the Word program of 㽶Ӱ’s Faith Formation Collaborative.

Rashard Allen, DWS, Director of Music and Worship at Neffsville Mennonite Church in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, leads participants in singing at Pastors & Leaders 2025 during one of the worship sessions. (Credit: Abenezer Dejene/㽶Ӱ)

In addition to Schertz and Wenger, worship leaders included Rashard Allen, DWS, Director of Music and Worship at Neffsville Mennonite Church in Lancaster, Pennsylvania; and Rebecca Slough, PhD, 㽶Ӱ Academic Dean Emerita and Professor Emerita of Worship and the Arts; with members of the 㽶Ӱ learning community and conference participants.

Pastors & Leaders 2026 will be held Feb. 23-26. The annual conference is hosted by 㽶Ӱ’s .

Located in Elkhart, Indiana, on ancestral land of the Potawatomi and Miami peoples, Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary is a learning community with an Anabaptist vision, offering theological education for learners both on campus and at a distance as well as a wide array of lifelong learning programs — all with the goal of educating followers of Jesus Christ to be leaders for God’s reconciling mission in the world.

John Longhurst is a freelance writer in Winnipeg.

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